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Direct contact

For any questions you may have, our team at Thomas Small & Sons will be happy to advise you

+49 7304 9695 100


Our service times

Mo. - Fr.
08:30 - 17:30


Thomas Small & Sons

Cartron, Claregalway

H91 A037 Co. Galway

Our team

Find the ideal contact for all your requests here

Whether you want to buy something, have a question about a product, want to know the shipping status of your delivery or have a complaint. Give us a call or send us an e-mail. Our team will be happy to provide you with further assistance.

Vincent Small
Vincent Small
Edel Small
Edel Small
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All prices in Euros without VAT, excl. shipping. Changes and errors excepted. Pictures are similar. Only while stocks last. Please observe the promotion run-time (see action)! Promotional prices cannot be combined with other offers/discounts. Our „instead of“ prices refer to our current valid catalogue prices.